
I managed to find the full version of Electricpuke's Foxtail comic! The only thing is... that it is a translated version in Russian so, for those of you who speak russian, Enjoy. Or not cause honestly the art is kind of replusive sometimes. As of January 4th I found the original english comic. Heres the catch though because there is always a catch... it has 3 pages missing... If you have page 11, 12 and 14 of Foxtail, please email me

Heres some extras after the comic... and the original caption from EP

EP: "Have this thing… I’ve had a rough draft of this since like… April… and.. I just want it out now X’D Damien cut his hair… >_> Cause he was tired of looking edgy also he needs to not look like a teenager if he’s going to impersonate a priest."